Free magazine of Arts Amalgam


This (maga)zine is published every 3 months in vienna and includes different content every time which features people in various ground, art, architecture, design, cooking, science, economy, sport, education, e.t.c…and shows their divers ideas and notions as an art piece which they make according to the specific theme every time.

20 Pages (flexible), 14 x 20 cm, Color Photocopy

1. A combination of diverse elements; a mixture
2. Any of various alloys of mercury with other metals.
ex) material of “silver” tooth fillings



1. Bookshop, Cinema, Cafe, Museum e.t.c… in Vienna
2. Download as PDF on the official website (


Editors/ Design: Aki Namba, Naja Maria Vainø Lundstrøm

Office: Bräuhausgasse 34/32, 1050 Vienna, Austria
